So tonight was the "Spring Fever" program for Jude's preschool. Well technically he is in the Pre-K class because of his age, but he is not going to Kindergarten next year because he won't make the cut-off. So he will be a repeat player in Ms. Sha'Ron's room next year. But you won't hear any complaints from me. I will have one more year with my baby!
But I digress. So like I said, it was the Spring Choir program and the kids were fabulous! So cute at this age. I was not surprise that Jude was great. What I was surprised about was that Joel stayed in his chair most of the time while the performance went on. Sure I had to bribe him with a Pocoyo video on my phone, but it was a small price to pay for a little quiet time to enjoy my first baby's star performance.
And if you haven't visited the Midwest Family Food and Fun Facebook Page recently, take a peek. Just posted a great video of Jude with Joel "rocking on" in preparation for tonight's big performance. And please if you enjoy us don't forget to like and share this post. And if you visit the Midwest Family Food and Fun Facebook Page please like our page and feel free to share our posts and videos!! Every like is adding another person to this Midwest Family!!
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